I Like gmtourneys its just that other people are greedy and are expecting 250k for every win
Or no , you just think people are greedy , and you are the one expect your self having poor prizes
Also I have a complaintment about GMes , when me and another player having discussing about faces , specially rape faces , like 8-) or 8D .. He told us stop or I ban/mute you , for hell sake we weren't spamming , we were having fun without making anything look weird or bad. That's all (8
@Fenris: This thread is not about GMs. This thread is about GMtourneys and ideas for it.
They do not pick the prizes, it is random, also, I find them quite alright, I got Vamp lax and force for a tippintowers.tbm tourney, now tell me that isn't great? Also, yeah, more mods, but, they also pick quicker mods because they have lives and they are busy.
another player having discussing about faces , specially rape faces , like 8-) or 8D ..