slippery6: 2k and deal

Edit: Closing this thread, I'll reopen it when I get more tcs and more items to sell/trade.
Last edited by Rafael; Dec 21, 2012 at 08:08 PM.
Thread reopened
I currently have 309k to spend.

New items for sale (check the first post):

Demolition force
Almost full acid (11 items)
Acid hair color
Hey Raf,
256HEad,CrimsonBlood,IvoryForce,GladGhost/Gradient,VampTorso/Ghost,ChronosGrip,Sphinx Emote. 24k
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
Sage: 20k for each or demolition force + 35k for all of them

OFingerzO: Hey, 256 head + vamp torso + vamp ghost, 7.5k
Last edited by Rafael; Dec 24, 2012 at 01:52 PM.