Originally Posted by
You'd think they'd already be able to do that without need for a bill to be passed, no?
If you believe that's what the bill is for, you are quite frankly very stupid and naive.
Think of it this way: Why the fuck do they need to pass a bill in order for companies to share how they had crimes committed against them? Are they not doing so already? In the case that they aren't, why aren't they?
That is what the bill says.
If you read it without considering conspiracy theories about the government trying to spy on your twitter, it's a very reasonable bill.
Let's stick to what the bill actually says.
Originally Posted by
Citation needed please.
A basic tenant of logic is that you can't ask someone to prove a negative. How am I going to prove the non-existence of a reference? Quote the entire bill?
Originally Posted by
No. no. Citation please. Where do you see written in this bill that their definition is strict and that they won't abuse it ?
Citation not needed, this is speculation that the government wouldn't try and sneak in a "true meaning" of a bill by producing a reasonable bill then attempting to abuse technicalities in a way that no court would uphold.
Originally Posted by
Citations ! Citations ! Citations !
Once again, do you want me to cite the entire bill to prove that encryption or proxies don't fit the definition? Show that they do, or they will be assumed not to.
Originally Posted by
I don't see anything in the bill that says abuses will be punished, you're making shit up.
The bill states what is allowed. Doing things that are not allowed is not allowed.
Furthermore high level courts (eg the supreme court) deal with more than just the exact letter of the law, they deal with what is 'morally right'. No citation is needed to approve my speculation that breaking or abusing the law will be punished. After all, USA pours billions of dollars in to their legal and police systems.
Originally Posted by
You don't know what you're talking about, citation pls.
As above, they think emails are a cyber threat and the same with encryption, proxies, etc.
Originally Posted by
Citation please.
You want me to cite my request for citation?
So far from the Anti-CISPA side we have heard:
"rhymes with SOPA therefore bad"
"everyone else says it is bad"
"if we let this bill in then they could let 100 in!"
"citation needed on your citation needed comment"
"derp derp illuminati-esque conspiracy theory"
As always, a pleasure to watch you flail conspiracy theories around and be unable to provide any logic to support your conclusions...