But in order for there to be anything, something has to be created. And if there isn't anything to create it, there wouldn't be anything there would there? Oracle, where did those few chemicals that created life come from? In fact, any matter at all? Too lazy to explain everything, in school anyways.
So to say that god created everything, you would first have to prove that there was indeed actually nothing at some point. And you would have to prove that it would be impossible otherwise for matter to have arisen from such an environment without the influence of a god. AND you would have to disprove the paradox of, if nothing existed, then a god should not exist either. AND you would then have to explain why a god would suddenly be created out of nothing before matter would (quite frankly, the nothing-to-matter jump is a lot more plausible than the nothing-to-supernatural-being-to-matter jump).
I find your way of debating rather annoying, quoting and commenting on every single line rather than writing your own argumentation so I won't engage in a deeper discussion.
Just posting to point out that you basically speak against your own initial statement that religion has literally almost nothing to do with it. ^_^
When it's dressed up as one, as you say, it obviously does play a big role.
Denying that would be like desputing that religion played a big role in the crusades, even if they were just territorial interests dressed up in religous ones.
The motives of the masses are just as relevant as of those in charge.
I'd never dispute myself that there aren't other factors. Religion is a big one, not the only one.
Your own response is comical in an arrogant, age-elitist, sort of way.
You're just assuming things without being able to back them up. There is an existing argument about whether or not people even went to heaven before Jesus' death. Because, like you said, the bible constantly contradicts itself.
Would it even matter? By God's law, murder is still the ultimate attack against his image. If I were to shoot up a mall full of innocent people but they were welcomed into heaven, should my act be forgiven?
If your response is to say that God is exempt from his own law, then you and I both know that there is no fairness or compassion in God.
On a related note, what kind of God kills off the entire world populace (Noah's flood) and then comes to the conclusion that perhaps it wasn't the best thing to do? Wouldn't an "all-knowing" God consider the consequences?
I appologize if I come off as "angst-filled" but this is a subject I've pondered and questioned much of my life. Mind you, a short life, but I find it better to question what I've been taught rather than to live in blind ignorance.
Of course, but in the species that exhibit such behavior it is a rarity. The "relationships" that result are not long lasting. Perhaps "unnatural" is the incorrect term for homosexuality does occur in nature but observed as a rarity.
Obviously we know that in the animals that have been know to exhibit homosexual tendencies, without male-female sex, that species would not exist. Therefor, it should be fair to say that homosexuality is unproductive and somewhat illogical.
This would all be subjective, as well as my own opinion in Penn. So I really don't see a point in debating it. We'd get just as far debating which kind of Doritos taste better.
But, I feel like you're just generalizing Penn's reactions to religion. True, in many cases, he can very "to the point" and condescending. But, in other cases, he is sincere and understanding. You have to remember, Penn is a public figure and alot of the times, what he says or does is to attract attention. So, any of those video's from his Bullshit T.V. show, are going to biased and condescending.
Like I've said before, our bassic understanding of physics doesn't apply before the big bang. Therefor, Newton's 3rd law of motion doesn't apply. The law states: "For any action, there is an equal but opposite reaction". In laymen terms, for any cause, there must have been an effect.
So it would be fair to say for any exsistance of matter, it must have been created. However, time and space did not exist before the big bang, so we can't existing laws and theories to try to explain it. For all we know, there was no cause. It may have always been. There may have been only an effect with no cause. Meaning, no God or creator.
I just find it funny that you're taking the time to insult a being that you don't believe exists. It's just self-indulgent and childish.
God is the ultimate adjudicator in Christianity. Of course exceptions to the law apply to him. Otherwise those who administer the death penalty would be tried for murder.
The common interpretation is that God is everywhere and knows of all occurring in the present, not that he knows the future.
If you had pondered it for so much of your life, perhaps you would have a slightly more nuanced view than "God is a douchebag and religious practitioners are ignorant."
Indeed, then it would be "logical" to conclude that homosexuality is not a conscious choice, since most animals do not make conscious choices. As such, judging them for this, or putting some insidious label of "unnatural" on them would be both unfair and "illogical."
So you agree with me that he paints a poor face for public discourse between atheists and religious practitioners.
Actually your interpretation of the third law is far more applicable to Newton's first law, "an object at rest stays at rest..."
However, this topic has very little to do with classical physics. This is the simple idea that we don't know how our universe came to be, if it existed for eternity, WHY it exists in the first place, HOW it exists, WHY these arbitrary physical laws exist, WHY they explain the universe perfectly, and so on and so forth.
When attempting to take a look at these very difficult and meaningful questions, attempting to describe them using newton's laws on bodies and force seem a bit...simplistic, really.
Jay, for homosexuality, you're ignoring the mountain of evidence that shows that homosexuality is dictated by, in almost total certainty, biological factors. Reason and logic don't dictate actions if it's rooted in biology.
Homosexual males have fingerprints more similar to heterosexual women than heterosexual men. Males have a 3% chance of being born homosexual if they are the first male born from their mother, every male after that has an increased chance of 1% for each previous male. This evidence points towards a biological cause.
To put things simply, homosexuality is not a choice, or a lifestyle, or something you can "fix", so it's impossible to classify it as "illogical" because logic has no say in it.
And don't tell me it occurs in nature, I don't care. Even the species that display some homosexual tendencies never continue them, they will mate with the opposite gender when given the chance.
I'm going to focus on this crap.
Provide me with an example of a species that displays homosexual tendencies that doesn't continue through with them. Have you ever seen two male dogs humping each other while a female stands nearby? Disprove that.