vampire relax-5k
right hand texture-1.5k
Noxious emote-600
Noxious timer-1100
Noxious Force-4.5k
i dont have right hand w/o full 128 i selling only full 128
and I do not sell separately from the full set, I am selling a full set once.
If the timer is set to full nox then I do not sell it separately, only the full
The same applies to textures
if you want to buy something separate it in other sets
misc or joint

vamp lax + nox force - 10k both and deal.
pwns, no ty.
600k min.
I Flames Ronaldo on his feet standing over 130K
and i have more global or stable flame ^^
the link is broken, tell me in which it is set
You've sent Noxious force, Vampire relax to Rinz.