Bro, you gotta stop ghosting your joints through your legs, BRO!
First, self spar was kinda sloppy. In the beginning, you were just focusing more on your tori other than uke. In the middle, I never expected the spar to end THAT fast, and the ko wasn't nice either. And in the end, ghosting problems...
Class D one was almost the same as the self spar one. The only thing I liked was when you were tricking your way to uke to hit that decap. The end was AWFUL UUUUGGGGGHHHH Seriously, try to work harder.
Legendary Cactus was nice, spin was cool, BUT THERE YOU GO AGAIN WITH THE GHOSTING!- Anyways, horse stance landing was ok, just try not to extend your legs all the way. They make it harder to get to other positions, but luckily, you got to spin after that
and not so luckily, you didn't finish your pose
Deep Thoughts - I liked your opener and your spin, but your decap was abd-like, always decap classicly. Didn't like your holding all AND the ghosting, Again. But that sit and lean :/
So there's your cnc. Now go cnc mine! >:C