Name(Optional): Jimmy
In Game Name: Railgun123
Age: 13
Hobbies: Swimming, running
Belt: Green(Seriously, are you gonna judge by belt?)
Rank: 8537(varies with time)
Why Should We Let You Join Ink: Well, I am a nice guy. I don't ragequit nor do illegal work. And of course, I'm good in wushu and aikido.
Tell Us About Yourself: I'm a 13 year old guy from this country called Burma. It's next to thailand and india. It's a developing country. At my school, I'm the King. All girls from my class like me. I'm a popular guy, but for some reason, i dont want to be popular. It attracts too much attention to me. I also do swimming once a week but still couldnt lose weight. I go to the gym but no luck too. I'm normal, 100 lbs, but i still wanna go down to 90 lbs.
Forum Active 1-5: Now I have no place to post. Just posting in random threads like the off-topic session.
In Game Active 1-5: Everyday active
Specialty Mod: Wushu, Aikido,
I hope you consider me. Also, if you think you should test me and not judge by belt, pm me and i will let you test on a server.
I've put all my efforts in here. Please consider this.
If you guys want replays, I can post them. I've got only multiplayer ones.
Last edited by Railgun123; Oct 14, 2013 at 02:21 PM.