Alright here's the dealioooo
First place will get the prize already told about, 2nd place will get a much smaller prize, yet something significant for your hard work.
My GMT is 0, and the contest ended 9hours and 30 mins ago for me, my last entery was clocked on at half 11 on the 28th. It was totally legitimate.
I understand you worked just as hard as I did, and for that you can have the prize except the demon force, as that's all I'm interested in.
For your records...
You've sent 100000 toricredits to Viccas
Thank you, Well played to everyone involved.
I must conclude with the following:
And as I'm a man of my word:
GG Viccas.
I'd send the 2 relaxes but your QI is too low, sorry.