View Poll Results: Should OgSky be given a second chance?
4 Votes / 21.05%
15 Votes / 78.95%
Voters: 19. You may not vote on this poll
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Good day today guys, starting tomorrow we need to work on accumulating some wealth. I won't be on till about 5 EST so if you see wars you think you can handle, do it. I ask that you donate any money you earn in tourneys and such to the clan, but it's entirely up to you. Over the weekend I want high activity and lots of wars, so be on as much as you can be. We might also host a betting server.
Ya we should get on that betting server ASAP. I have a good friend who is VIP and he would be more than happy to global it for us. Also, yes, war like crazy. im gonna make a Horde Warrers rank which I will be putting DarkBind and cool2802 in. We also have some inactive members on forum so if you see them, tell em to get posting. Thanks
Hey guys, were rank 30. keep warring and being active. ty for bein awesome. I have the story finished. will upload it to thread soon. prolly tomorrow.
Righto m8. Kay guys, I made a HordeBANK. I just need to get 20qi on it before we can send tc to it. (and items) feel free to donate to help us get official
Last edited by Spoiled; Feb 28, 2014 at 04:02 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Righto. I just need to hurry get 20wi on it first though. Eatoon, ill meet u ingame and tell u the password to the bank
nice starship. you can keep it. Although im not saying don't donate XD. Keep some for yourself too though, k? thanks
No worries Dark, completely understandable. Thanks for posting and letting us all know
Last edited by Spoiled; Feb 28, 2014 at 11:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump