Original Post
White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
We have a white belt tournament (ie no regged players) on this upcomming Friday.

Winner gets a honorary yellow belt and a registration key.

The time is 9 pm (east coast US)

The competition is open for two hours, wins gives you 3 points and a loss is counted as -1. Most points at end of tourney is the winner.

We will use the demo servers, mods will be there to make sure everything runs smoothly.

If you like to join in, please respond to this thread so we can estimate the turn out.

Good Luck!

Edit this tournament is over. Servers where packed but did hold up pretty will.

Congratulations to the winners Shiva and Kw0mp

Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
*thumbs up* there was some fierce competition in the classic room, im honored to have won.
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
When will be the next tournament

And can the next tournament be earlier it think like 20.00New York Time
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
Why NY time, I think next one should be convinient for europe, like 9pm GMT or something.

And yes , was an honor fighting shiva!!
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
Originally Posted by Goshikku
Scotland... I wasn't there...

I wasnt there either lol spam
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
Couldnt make it, But i won my rugby match >X).
Gratz to the people i never heard off :P.
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
I was leading the first 30 minutes but kwOmp who is really good did a 7 streak and beat us all
Je fixe les gens même lorsqu'ils s'en appercoivent...

Blame the fact that english is not my default language of communication...
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
does anybody here go bye standerdeasterntime? i live in virginia btw
i would like a teakwon tournament.
Re: White-Belt Tournament, Friday 2nd, 2007 - Winners Announced
Congratulations Shiva and Kw0mp.
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