Christmas Lottery
Saying someone is a nub or them telling someone that they were lucky is nothing because how is it lucky in the first place or when people say "missclicked"
since I haven't been on in the past two days just gonna add that brutal was not the only one and another influential member of the clan had a problem with you so you can't just blame it on brutal. (I cannot let it be known I'm wrong if i am right)
Oh my god Rex I just now clicked the link on your signature, and Ditto dancing to Gloria Estefan's "Do that Conga" is just too good.
"Valt, no offence but i'm better than all of nitro apart from maybe azzeff who's around the same..." -Verzox 2015
BG all the old guys are coming back to say hi!
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
I love how it is still winter and it is 85° F where I live. Ahh California.
HomeyKrogerSage || Saevus || SoftnJuicy ; Amateur Programmer && US AF Hydraulics && Dad
Originally Posted by ilikepie56 View Post
BG all the old guys are coming back to say hi!

why do you get banned that makes me sad
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719