Originally Posted by keggy View Post


legal equality =/= societal equality. are you dumb?

Societal equality cannot be achieved through any sort of movement. Antagonizing people who hate you doesn't make them hate you less.

supremacy in what areas?

reproductive rights, divorce courts, job quotas

also opinion. any sources on this, hotshot?

Sonia Verstappen (Old school Feminist activist):
"The problem is that the Feminist fight in France and Internationally has been taken over by American lesbians who don't exactly like men. So the Feminist cause has become a war against men. They're not after equality, they want to destroy the macho man. They want to destroy men, quite simply. I won't let my behavior be dictated by crazy, hysterical women for whom all forms of sexual intercourse even within marriage is rape. I won't have that."

question for you all: do you sincerely believe that women are not oppressed in western society?

Feminism is not the solution. Feminism is cancer.
Definition of Egalitarianism:
: a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic affairs
: a social philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people

in that case maybe you could do some basic googling on topics such as the wage gap

Building your entire ideology on myths is pretty juvenile.
Funnily enough it was debunked by the AAUW themselves

, and rape statistics by gender

the definition of rape until recently involved penetration, women can't exactly penetrate

. did you know that around 30% of males would rape if they knew they could get away with it?

Flawed survey given to college students under false pretenses? They literally said "If you could have sex with any woman you wanted with no consequences, would you?" Using crap like this as evidence really devalues your argument. I'm all for equality, but this shit isn't equality, it's retardation that shoves the actual problems to the bottom of the stack.

should i resurface this viral video that shows the harassment women are put through just by walking on the street?

There's one a guy did too, similar outcome. And that one dude with the Lambo. Want a link to those?

why is it that men can have many partners and appear successful or "cool", while a woman behaving likewise would be branded a slut?

Jezebel? As a source? I realize you're blinkered, but c'mon.
Equally retarded, blinkered source:

Once you have a serious argument and are through flinging trash, feel free to put something up that can actually be discussed.

did you know that transgendered people are banned from serving in the military?

I'm banned from serving in the military too. Most people who have conditions which can make them a liability in the field(hormone therapy, which can absolutely ruin a trans-person's mental state if it is not administered regularly, which is difficult in combat is enough of an excuse for that.) Gender Dysphoria isn't a choice, it's a medical condition that they are treated for with hormone therapy.

did you also know that over half of the women in the workplace are discriminated against and denied promotions/raises?

See: earlier forbes link.

feminism exists to counter issues like this. it is a productive and rational movement that has attracted some not-so-rational, toxic people (see: Big Red or Anita Sarkeesian).

That form of Feminism is long dead. The things you listed are either A. myths, or B. non-issues.

and for those that believe modern feminists are only the vocal minority, couldn't you say the same thing about gamers and forum users? maybe i'm from a pretty liberal town, but in my experience, anyone who believes in equality will call themselves a "feminist" because thats the whole point of feminism: gender equality.

It is not.
Full Definition of FEMINISM
: organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests

i see a whole lot of discussion but not a lot of sources. those who say that feminism is nothing but "whiny bitches" (bitch being a derogatory slur towards women btw, which is a prime example of casual sexism)


should probably back that up with some examples of how the majority is like that. hint: it isn't. the world is not so black and white.

Did I not mention the whole "There is no true scotsman" thing? You're literally using that.

bitch please
Last edited by Hyde; Jan 31, 2015 at 09:06 AM.
arguing against jezebel as a source when you reference forbes repeatedly is not helping your case babe

also you realize that the dictionary =/= truth right?

and where are your sources that feminism is "long dead"?

you know, it's really starting to seem like arguing against feminism is just a disguise to hate women or something... i literally cannot see a downside to modern feminism and nobody in this thread has brought up one

then again i'm arguing with people who believe "sjw's" exist and actively support Gamergate lol
Last edited by keggy; Jan 31, 2015 at 09:17 AM.
im here to ruin your fun
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
Tell me guys, would you rather hire a male or a female for a job that might require heavy lifting? because I'd choose the male any day, this isn't sexist it's the fact that male bodies are built stronger (some aren't I know)
I'd also like to point out that if I was to get a job in nail art or a female shoe shop I'd be mocked by not just males but mostly females.
This is the same point I was trying to make, both sexes are unequal and each have their good point and bad points.
However I rarely see masculism compared to that of feminism.

Also proto, anabolic steroids are made mostly from testosterone.

Not an excuse to hit men without good reason.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by RedPanda View Post
Tell me guys, would you rather hire a male or a female for a job that might require heavy lifting? because I'd choose the male any day, this isn't sexist it's the fact that male bodies are built stronger (some aren't I know)
I'd also like to point out that if I was to get a job in nail art or a female shoe shop I'd be mocked by not just males but mostly females.
This is the same point I was trying to make, both sexes are unequal and each have their good point and bad points.
However I rarely see masculism compared to that of feminism.

Also proto, anabolic steroids are made mostly from testosterone.

Firstly I would like to apologise for the steroid fandango, I am sorry if I spilt hypocrisy on anyone while I was spouting unchecked bullshit over this thread. But the idea that you would take into account someone's gender rather than just asking them how much they can lift or looking at how big they are is definitively sexist. I find that the strength gap between men who don't gym and girls who don't gym is much smaller than that between those who work out and those who don't so I personally would focus on that. Sure it is more likely that the guy will be stronger, but it is always better to just check rather than making gender based assumptions. Environment>DNA in this case.
In reference to recent posts: can we try to avoid being bitchy/sour about this. Nobody is impressed with your irrelevant insults or quips at each other, how much of a small minded bigot the person you are arguing with is makes no difference to how true their arguments are so why bring it up?

And it is hard to aptly define feminism, pig posts wiki articles on the different waves of feminism, they were very long and hard to summarise so maybe also talk about what feminism should be as well as what you believe it to be. Just for a change in tone.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
I was trying to resist posting here. I can't.

Please try harder, I am allergic to other people's hyperbole.
Last edited by Zelda; Jan 31, 2015 at 11:55 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
this thread went no where in a matter of the 4 days that it was open

also, for future reference, discussion posters, do not use the report button unless someone is actually breaking the rules. this is your only warning. next time i see it happen, i will infract the person who reported.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post

Not sure if you linked this as a joke, but the youtuber clearly does not understand the practical implications of feminism being a political movement.

Saying things like 'feminism is necessary because I think women aren't being taken as seriously as men' - regardless as to whether or not it is true (hint: it's not true) - is completely irrelevant. The question is whether or not feminism is necessary, not whether or not true genderless equality has been achieved.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Just for closures sake, having done some research on the matter I have accepted that men and women are undeniably both neurological and physiological different. ImmortalPig, it really wasn't hard to find evidence for it but for some reason you chose a far from conclusive Wikipedia article, a documentary with only one piece of scientific research refered to (but not properly analysed) in it (one with many solid criticisms) and a load of examples of what we were trying to explain in the first place (glass roof or evolutionary preferences were the two suggestions) accompanied by your trademark topping of rhetoric. And Redundant just posted the link to give us something to discuss, and although it did not suitably redirect the thread, it did have plenty of arguments we had not yet covered in the discussion. But sure, maybe it was a joke.
Sorry for being unnecessarily aggressive, I didn't want Pig to think that me changing my opinion was a victory for him, he had an opportunity to change my opinion himself but didn't manage to. Anyway, the link which persuaded me is on the thread about the effect of the differences between men and women.
Last edited by Zelda; Feb 8, 2015 at 04:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Good morning sweet princess
Feminism covers women's rights, while humanism covers all natural and human rights. While feminism, in my opinion, is important, humanism is much more significant due to the fact that it covers women's rights and all other types. If we only had one or the other, I would hope it would be humanism, because otherwise I would feel really terrible for minorities (however I am not implying that females are a minority, they're not).
However, feminism as a whole, is necessary. In some countries, it is illegal for a woman even to drive. These countries are all based on a "men-superior-to-women" idea. That is so wrong to have men's rights completely tower over women's rights. Thankfully for feminism, there is no need to worry about it in many other countries. It is still noticed today that women's rights is a prevalent issue. We have made many great steps. Would you honestly like life to be like it was just a couple of centuries ago, when wives were to obey their husbands? I wouldn't.
•You're bananas!
Why do us humans continue to separate ourselves in groups and names? Why can't we all be human beings?
...Surely you have more productive things to do then read my stupid signature...[TA]|[TF]