View Poll Results: How do you find my heads?
43 Votes / 54.43%
They are really good.
26 Votes / 32.91%
They are... mhh average.
5 Votes / 6.33%
They aren't good.
1 Votes / 1.27%
They suck!
4 Votes / 5.06%
Voters: 79. You may not vote on this poll
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how do u show spinny heads if gimp isn't working?

p.s. how u like this head...(MY FIRST)untitledcreep.JPG
Last edited by Roundhouse; Oct 9, 2008 at 07:15 PM.
Gimp is now working for me. Just had a broken version.
Mhhh... Its too plain for my taste. Could have more highlights and structure. (unless you want it to look cartoonic, then its cool )