This is a pretty touchy topic to be quite honest. (That was not a sexual innuendo). I believe that being lesbian, straight, bisexual, pansexual, is a personal preference. Whether you are lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, or straight, that should never be based on anything other than your own preference. I see girls in my school and my area coming out lesbian or bisexual etc. due to depression, feelings of being unacceptable by the opposite gender, and other reasons alike. That should never be the case. Sure, if you have been rejected by males/females and decide that you are going to try and have a relationship with someone of the same gender and you find out that you enjoy that more and being with someone of the opposite gender, more power to you. I have personally never seen that happen, though I'm sure it could. I don't believe that you can be born with preferences. I feel that once you are old enough to develop thoughts of love towards other individuals is when you find a preference. And yes, I truly believe that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, pansexual, straight, is a personal preference that you alone must find out. I would like to see what others think about what I have said. This is just my personal opinion on this topic.