Replay type: Selfspar or a "Sparring Practice" (second mod I'll mention).
Game Rules: Overall the mods presets, -30 grav, no dq, no dms, no fracs and maybe changing position and rotation if someone has a cool idea.
Suggested Mod: For a selfspar, jisse_sparring_backalley_hg.tbm, and for "Sparring Practice", jisse_practice_sparring.tbm or jisse_practice_sparring_smaller.tbm which the targets are closer.
Suggedted Opener: Something between 30 and 50 frames, 30 frames preferred.
Just to clarify things up, by suggested opener I mean you guys post an opener of your own making and I'll choose which I prefer xD
But if we're going for it the way you understood it, I'll make an opener myself with the frames gap you gave me