Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Exist View Post
Nah, I've decided I'm going to save my TC from this point on. Thanks though, appreciated for waiting on a response

Alright no worries, thanks for letting me know
hi im bored

Viridian Relax - 2.4k
Viridian Force - 1k
Viridian Blood - 0.4k
U.F.O - 20k
Tyrian Relax - 1.6k
Toxic Force - 2.4k
Snowman - 7k
Sifu Beard - 20k
Shaman Ghost - 1k
Shaman Hair - 2k
x2 Sapphire Relax - 3k
Rudolph Nose and Antlers - 8.3k
x2 Mayan Warrior - 4k
Maya Blood - 0.4k
Imperial Force - 20k
Mullet - 3.5k
Plasma Relax - 3k

total: exactly 100k lol
Purchasing ThreadDiscord: paredesguga

elf relax: you don't have enough qi

demon wings: 19k
Apprentice Wizard Hat: i will think about it