Christmas Lottery
We are the intervention. Not just for fred - but for this imperfect world and its lack of vision. We will rectify the wrongs of our predecessors and bring anew an era of growth and prosperity. And by virtue of our dedication and craftsmanship, the progeny will inherit a world whose very mechanisms will fold into their hands. The perfect tool, this society I envision. The perfect machine. One race. One tongue. One vision. And what a vision it is. What a world we will make if Tyzi was actually a girl.
Good job. You successfully managed to beat up a bunch of kids from the peanut-allergy table of the Toribash cafeteria.
Originally Posted by Gentleman View Post
Goughy and N3WB have been added among other hierarchical shifts.

Hold up I only joined on the agreement that I'll be put at leader rank so that I can let my account die off with some for of achievement to be remembered by
