My work from home is no longer optional but mandatory. I went to 3 different grocery stores for the past 3 days and none of them have any pasta left. lol. The cvs was out of thermometers as well.
Corona virus = Carnivorous

Who's ready for zombies
Weird coincidence
Last edited by JoboMan; Mar 18, 2020 at 10:10 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I apologise for this post.
Besides the lock downs and other stuff in my place the folks are saying that America have sent the virus to China now I can't believe that but what are the chances?? Sounds to me like rubbish or if it is real then we got some mastermind plays going on like cmon u send a virus then make ur own country infected by it whaa so km confused lol any ideas?

there's a lot of conspiracy theories going around, don't believe it if it isn't confirmed by a reputable source like the WHO or your national health agency
alright guy
More people die in America daily for being fat than Corona, why don't u isolate from McDonald's u oafs
I apologise for this post.
lol I ain't believing anyone not even the whole until I see it in my OWN eyes but I just was curious bout ur mind about this situation

Originally Posted by JoboMan View Post
Corona virus = Carnivorous

Who's ready for zombies
Weird coincidence

Wait till prions mutate and CWD will affect us all
Originally Posted by cutterchop View Post
Besides the lock downs and other stuff in my place the folks are saying that America have sent the virus to China now I can't believe that but what are the chances?? Sounds to me like rubbish or if it is real then we got some mastermind plays going on like cmon u send a virus then make ur own country infected by it whaa so km confused lol any ideas?

Lol this makes laugh every time it's mentioned.

Here's what The People's Republic of China has achieved so far: they failed to contain the virus in Wuhan while the doctors who discovered COVID-19 were condemned (and killed), they accused the U.S military of planting it in Wuhan (zero evidence of this), and they concealed/obscured the numbers of infected people while lying through their state ran media sites.
Dargon Moderated Message:
Infracted for having the best goddamn replays in Toribash history.

Tbh yes there's no evidence but what if it's real but also I can't think of it as real since they infected there own country so what's the point, yes they accused them of creating it in 2015 or some thing lol anyways I hope they find a cure so I can go out of home peacefully

We had 10+ cases... then it jumped to 96

Well, people here wouldn't go see the doctor because they think it's too expensive.
I believe that there are more cases... the people here just wont go see the doctor because of how expensive shit is...

tHe vIrUs wAs mAdE iN aReA 51. tHeY sPrEaDed iT sO tHaT nO oNe wOuLd lOoK fOr aLiEnS.

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