Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Fist_of_Fury View Post
P.O.D sounds nice, but before i say P.O.D. I thought it was gunna be Free Death rofl -.- I like this idea.

Who says it cant be discount lance?

Not [FAG]


Relatively Excited Trees Ate Rocks for Dinner
Last edited by 2worlds; Dec 25, 2008 at 10:49 AM.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I actually really like [Invade] without the slash. For one thing, it isn't an end Invade tage, for another, it's all the stuff Kai wanted. Power, skill, etc.

My vote's on [Invade].
[TarD] Shortness of Retard.
[Bot] Bionic Ostrich thing.. idk..
[InF] International Fools.
[YaN] You are noob.
[SFT] Shift.
[CrG] Cracking Gods.
[DuR] Dead you are.
[Flemsch] .. >.>
[SF] Speed Freaks
[CTO] Center The Orgin. ( :/ )
[DrT] DinnerTable. <3
[Row] Red on White. .. wtf
[NNC] New Noob Clans.

Just some stuff I thought about.
<Cindermomo> finnish people are so weird
<Cindermomo> go eat your trees
[WotWU] (Warriors of the World United [Freelance knows where did this come from])
Uhh... I wonder why did I suggest that...