Christmas Lottery
I was going for the Head throws, but I didn't get any. In HeadFail, I messed up, and tried to do some handstand balance stuff. I thought it looked alright, but I was just messing around. lol.
Originally Posted by megaJuice View Post
I was going for the Head throws, but I didn't get any. In HeadFail, I messed up, and tried to do some handstand balance stuff. I thought it looked alright, but I was just messing around. lol.

Yeah i saw that . Head tosses are pretty hard.
Waugh! I lost a pwnsome replay. Oh well.

I raged a little.

Can we have more headkicks in here? I'm getting bored of the flood of madmen.*

*which is funny, since they're about the only things I make.
Well I think this next week or so Moop is gonna make a new thread for the clan vid for everyone to upload 10 of their best replays, so get to goin guys. We need a combo of splits, headkicks, and madmen. =D
(Hive people only, haha!)
Shaz: That was pretty awesome. Your relax style is really different than anyone else's that I've seen. (not in a bad way) I like it. Also, I loved the pose at the end. Awesome. 9/10 Put it in the soon to be made Clan Video thread.
Eh, it was okay There was a kick that was ugly and didn't DM, and that was meh. But the rest was okay, The split was funny, I wasn't expecting a split.
Here's my sexiest. I'm going to work on it more tomorrow, the ending is quite fugly.

(Waits for OK9ZERO to say my style is weird and call the replay shit)
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sexyness.rpl (220.6 KB, 11 views)
Moop would approve, shaz. 9/10, too floppy xD nah that was really nice, like the split kick at the beginning
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))