voila c'est fait j'ai fai de mon mieux pour finir vite

Name: Destru
Description: Destru was a little countryside farmer. He lived near a sea where was hidden Black Goatee’s treasure. Destru was really small and bold but his unusual size made him able to sneak everywhere. He was hopeless mentally speaking for he didn’t’ knjow how to write but was a loud and restless speaker. He was a Nice guy full of good sense and kindness. He knew everyone in town. This small village was called Bewtifulltown where he used to sell eggs, fresh cow milk and everything his farm produced. The only trouble in this town was the Van Barok Baron who made the villager pay taxes so that he could pay himself lots of expensive useless things. One day Destru couldn’t handle it anymore so he decided to setup a complot to get rid of the evil baron. But when he heard about the toriquest he decided ot postpone his coup d’état and get the reward that’d help him get the Baron down

Name: Max

Max is a patriot.
Born in France, he joined the army after his scholar studies.
He first tried to help as a field medic but he took taste in combat and joined the infantry .
He liked small group enemy infiltration, so he joined a pitiful commando team and faast got promoted as team leader
After some pathetic missions he thought it was enough so he left.
His life was simple, he found a well paid small job and was thinking about getting old with it.
When some day he heard about the toriquest he decided to quit his job.
Who would’ve taught it... his soldier side took the upper hand…
He would do anything to make the French torination triumph…

la description de alpha152 est finie
dans tout les cas je commence a lui traduire ce qu'elle a mit... je le post bientot
Description : biologic feminine humanoid weapon (liquid clone)

Alpha 152 is the final Alpha product of multiple humanoid weapon, cloned from Kasumi’s DNA by the Donovan an Evil genius, she just got out pf the factory, alpha is like a blank blackboard, that’s why her combat instincts written in her genes can activate anytime.She ran away from her conception area while it was getting destroyed, and found herself confronted to the wild world!
But what is alpha doing in the Toriquest? We don’t know her real motivations, but we do know that she’s killing mercilessly everyone getting in her way… you’d better be on her side than in front of her those times!

au fet quelqu'un s'amuse a compter les mots je crois pas que c'est assez.. je doi traduire feldor ?
err je vien de remarquer que je lavai deja corrigée hehe. bon envoyez vite des modiff que je traduise

au fet c'est fini je gagnerai jamais les 5000Tc de la compett de skate un type a post une video de malade je pourrai jamais faire mieux
events --> skateboarding competition
err enfin voila l'url
si tu veu regarde ma video elle est avant (regarde la 2nd) j'en ai fai une mieux mais pas aussi bien que celle de ce Rutz
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