Secret Santa 2024
all you have to do is post in my house that ure leaving
i wont force you to stay
Proud Member Of Prototype. Doing my best to make it the...Wait it already is. :]
buttercupp sry but i must atleast test you in judo ok?

EDIT:of course you can enter xxfighter and i saw you in-game before and i like your moves and it would be good if you can enter this house.all you need to do is fill in the info in the first page and i'll let you in.and maybe i can make a you Fire Demon Elite.also you can call yourself any name you want,as long as it ends in Demon.ex:Flaming Demon,Executor Demon,Raging Demon,stuff like this.just PM me and tell me what name you would like to be called
Last edited by MYI; Mar 22, 2009 at 02:16 PM.
belt:2nd dan
fav mod:judo,katana,aikido
reason joining:coz i want to and myi is nice :P

huhu thankz myi..
i will pm u about the name dude
nice to join ur house
you're in xxfighter.nice to be in a house with you,i'll add you to the members list as sson as we sort a Demon Type for you.
coz i want to and myi is nice

wow,thnx're one of the kindest dudes i ever met.....

everybody welcome my newest member,xxfighter!
MYI, i guess i should be co-leader because;

1- i am MYI's bro ( THE OLDER ONE)
2- i guess house members respect me................ and thnx
i think i want to be fire demon co-leader...

im dark demon(elite member)
im respect all member..
im quite good on fighting(not realy good )
i just think im deserve