I will go to a swimming resort tomorrow. I will have only 1-2 hours of activity in the forums and 30-1hour in-game.
Originally Posted by Malvado View Post

I'm gonna' close my shop, then re-open it when my laptop is fixed, because i'm not online much because of it(Also need to post this in the inactivity thread.)

Explains all ^
Yeah, i'm the Boxman
<~ishi> damnit ishi where are you.
i'm taking a sabbatical from Tb in general, I'm not in a good mood, people are pissed at me for expressing how i feel, and right now i should focus on my suffering more than my pleasure.

See you guys later.

((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
alright, i'm cut off from TB completely, I just watched a half year of TB get deleted (FYI, this is 1.78 GB)

((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))