Christmas Lottery
hey is it possible to get at void head flame that kinda goes like small circles high over my head and looks like a black whole for 150k or so ?
Yeah, thats possible.
You would need to request it in the same way as in the example in the first post.
So, i guess my green inferno hand flame request is not accepted?? because i'm not on the list.
Membaof Element|My Sig
New rules:
All bids must exceed 70k due to forge prices.
Current bids are not excused from this rule, they must be changed or else they will be taken off the list.
I knew you would see my post in blkk's thread,
ok so are you working on flames right now?


|him3|73,963TC|RightInfernoHandFlame|Darkgreenthat matchesmyset|Name of flame:Acid|
Membaof Element|My Sig