Time for a little joke:
We start our halarity in the cabin of a German Coastgaurd emergency centre,
The new recruit is being shown how everything works,
what to press when someone calls in etc.
This goes on for about 5 minutes, and then the officer in charge of showing him what's what suddenly recieves the odd end of an impulse to "release" last nights supper, (or dinner)
The newb is left aone and an emergency call comes in; "HELP HELP THIS IS AN EMERGENCy!!" (no shit)
The fresh-meat replies with a strong german accent, "Ghello zis iz de Jerman Coustgaurt."
The captain Yells again, "HELP, HELP! WE'RE SINKING, WE'RE SINKING!!"
... There is a short pause and the Newbie coastgaurd replies very calmly, "Vhat arh yoo sinking about?"