I don't get into too many fights, i have only ever been in three, last month it was two but this cockhead last week came into the back room of the library where me and my freinds usually hang at lunchtime and thought it would be a good idea to try and steal my box full of card decks, turns out it wasn't a very good idea as i swung around on my chair and kicked him in the head, kicked his legs out from under him and stood on him.
Luckily he had some form of honour and didnt go cry to the library supervisor so i didnt get suspended, i shared the same courtosy for him aswell.
Because magic decks are worth alot of money, you can expect to pay 20 dollars for deck on those things.
Also, who is getting the new alien vs predator?
And another thing, i will be going for my black belt in taekwando in march! I've been assisting the instructors since brown belt so after i grade for black belt, i will be able to get assistant instructor pretty quick as i will have good marks on my assistance evaluation.