I would like to join.
Hi you have played with me, and as you've seen i am a pretty good player, i fined this clan very interesting and i would love to join! i am only blue belt but very good, i am responsible, i have good sportsmanship, caring, and good at the game, my best place's in the game are free running, parkour, akido, akido big dojo, ninjistu, and judo. i would like to join this clan because it has talent and i would like to help add to that, you guys are strong, good, and fearless. i am 14, my name is demarqus, i live in Michigan, ingame name: Das1 and i will be as loyal to this clan as possible.
That is Das's application that was pm'ed to me I vote yes he's good in game. He's a younger player of a low belt, but already shows promise if he keeps with us we could helphim mature into an even better player.