Christmas Lottery
No fuck you

friends448: Just because you know how to spell things doesn't mean we'll like you. Go get a personality and a name change.

Also why the fuck is there a green tori in my background
T1cux: clan have eggs.
You guys are judging him on his fucking name? /: when you got names like przero, kball, fucking eightah, I mean come on, also nathan, having good grammer and being able to spell correctly does have an affect on joining a clan. Would you allow someone in clan Wh0 T4lkz LyK Dis? No, didn't think so.
Wait, what
You do T4lkz LyK Dis, eightah.
New Zealand

PM Erth, he loves it.
<~Lightningkid> I'm a spiteful dickhead
<Muur> Ah, good old Dutch Wall Sex..
<~Fish> I love handling dicks
Hello, my name is Belshezzar, I am 17 years old and i don't T4lkz LyK Dis for one thing. I just so happen to know Andy(Uric) Billy(Spacellama) Hagan, Sirkill oh and the neat-o guy Przero. So yeah accept me or i rape you <3.

also yes, Belshezzar is my account, had for over a year but forgot about it till a good friend brought it to my attention that someone was on it, talk to them and got it back <3 you all (btw inviting my alt in ~Przero bitches)
great, now we have 12 ranks... wtf is "eightah's place"
and are we gonna find a replacement for kball or what?
First things first.
Yes to Friend if he's planning to get a namechange,he's pretty nice,we could do some threeway.
No to belshezzar.
And hell yeah,we need a replacement for kball.
Little keyboard warrior