Originally Posted by fat0ninja View Post
Also shitty j4 and lee sin mids incoming, thanks froggen .-.

Didn't happen after MLG, I doubt IPL will be any different, maybe an occasionate one there and there..
TF is a bitch, he can basically catch up to you with that stupid move, at first I thought he was useless but when he is fed and played right he can dominate.

Everyone can dominate if fed and played right, you can't really consider any champion that useless.

Anyway, what's with those times when you're waayyyy too close to win, but then nope, someone has to go afk and a teemo has to stay in the bush waiting for the right time to gank, which is after we're all dead.

<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

So if you guys noticed, the supports are dangerous if built ap >.<
Ap Janna
Ap Soraka
Ap Blitz
Ap Taric
Ap Nami
Ap Nidalee
All op >.<
AP Blitz is a horrible piece of shit as a support :/ You're not supposed to be a damaging support, but a tanky support.

Same with Taric.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Zazo View Post
I honestly have no idea what to build on nunu support =/

Veil (AP heavy), Frozen (AD heavy)
Wards, wards, wards, and more wards.

Basic support build for anybody in a nutshell.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games