Phantom Application Charter
We here at the phantom clan have decided to become exclusive, meaning that we don't care about you, your application, your hopes or dreams, or anything you have to say. With that being said don't lose all faith yet hopeful youth first things first you'll need an absolutely breathtaking free-form application that's of some length. Besides the outrageously good application you must know at least two of our illustrious members and more than a just hi and bye relationship, lastly you must include no less than three of the following.
* Post a picture with a note stating one member as your papi. Unless it's mega then in that case it's mami
* write a sentence utilizing everyone in the clans name including the bank that makes logical sense
* Write us a detailed piece of poetry explaining how we are the most glorious and memorable clan ever created
* Change your signature to I did things with a panda while I was drugged
If you complete these tasks then you will be up for consideration that is all
Last edited by AzureMage; Nov 20, 2012 at 05:12 AM.