What the fuck did you just say about my electronegativity you little oxide? Ill have you know I graduated top of my group in the periodic table and Ive been involved in numerous redox reactions with Lewis bases and I have over 300 confirmed ligands. I am feasible in heterozygous catalysis and Im the top E value in the electrochemical series. You are nothing to me but just a galvanic cell. I will wipe you out with oxidation the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my charge. You think you can get away with trying to oxidise a ketone? Think again fucker. As we speak I am conducting a series of mass spectrometry trials and your m/z ratio is being determined so you better prepare for the bombardment. The bombardment that causes fragmentation on the pathetic thing you call your molecular structure. You’re optically inactive kid. I can be anywhere attack from above or below the plane and that’s just to form chiral compounds. Not only am I extensively trained in organic chemistry but I have access to all the equipment in a lab and I will use it to its full extent to oxidise your miserable ass off the face of this beaker you little racemate. If only you could have known that the reduction your little comment was about to bring down on you, maybe you wouldnt have been so electronegative. But you werent you didnt and now youre undergoing nitration you goddamn idiot. I will shit benzene all over you and you will undergo addition. Youre fucking aromatic kiddo