If you're going to force yourself to do a video, it would be kinda maddening to me. I'd suggest you do a video from your liking. You can feel free to do a video when you want, I'd like a vid, so you can do it later when you feel more applied and inspired.
Watching vids like
These (I love that guy) can really help, it inspires me alot. We all know you can do better so sit it aside and move into soft teaching. You shouldn't be frustrated because this is just CnC for your vids.
I don't even know how to make videos, so I would like to have some teaching too.
I guess a new topic would get all the bad things out of our minds, eh?
So, if you could figure it out, what food would you find the healthiest? I'd say it's heavy vegetables like broccoli.
Last edited by omegadark1; Jun 4, 2013 at 05:01 AM.
Reason: Sorry, hahaha.