Age: 17
Belt: brown on this account. 7th dan on old stolen account
Preferred Mods: taekkyon, wushu
Referrals (if any): dillon207, rfifan, and nickjohann ;p
Previous Clans: HUNG, fl0w, element
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): um.... long ass time ago when i was a noob for double posting. (didnt know any better haha)
Talents(Tb related): i consider myself good in SP, and fairly decent in tk and wushu. you can be the judge
What you will bring to 42: hopefully fun-loving spirit and a new friend and player
Why you want to join 42: i love tk, dillon is the man, ive heard and seen great things, been friends with nickjohann for a long time, and more :]
Replays: (some of these are unfinished but just so you can see)
updown punch2.rpl
eleven questions.rpl
spin kick break3.rpl
EDIT: also please disregard the team fl0w picture under my name... working on getting rid of that idk why its there...
Last edited by jeffbeck; Aug 11, 2011 at 10:26 PM.