CLG ran it. The Muramana procs on single target spells and auto attacks, certainly more damage than seraph's embrace.
Does it proc in addition to the damage you would normally do, or is it just a choice between one or the other? I'm not really sure how it works, I'm wondering if I were to build it on someone like malzahar would it deal 6% of his mana for each tick of his E, and of his R? I'm interested because malzahar's minions scale extremely well from his AD, and if I were to build an item that doesn't hurt malzahar's spell damage output while making his creeps more of a threat lategame I would be one happy camper.
That shows you have no idea how OP AP shaco is. Gtfo till you learn this. I soloed Baron as AP shaco fool.
One does not just simply 'not farm' on nidalee.
Seriously though, cougar stance in ap, all you gotta do is leap, claw the tinie ones, and q the siege, and you get like almost the entire wave.
Why does she have 34 creeps?
Yea, the active on Muramana is so good. Come late game, Rzye will hardly dent his mana bar in teamfights so the Muramana is highly effective for Ryze as his mana come late game will actually have a use. Q and W proc it.
I wanna try Muramana on Syndra. Her ult procs Muramana, and if you have 6-7 orbs for ult, thats like 500 additional magic damage. The burst be so good. Could even build Syndra tanky ap with Frozen Fist, Muramana, BV or something.