View Poll Results: hwo is vexon to you?
vexon is awsome
7 Votes / 87.50%
vexon is cool
2 Votes / 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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well, yea, my mom's making me study for my finals in geometry so I won't be on often, or at all for the next week or so because my mom is taking away my comp and hiding it tomorrow, that means I can't even sneak down at night to get on

sorry guys, I hope you will be able to handle w/o me
ok so i made this on the spot..
everyone watches and waits as the great warrior steps into his boat and sets off...slowly he dissapears in the light of the sun ahead, searching for a new journey..
hope you like,btw that was meant for before you joined piratez.
andbtw WHERE T F AM I ON UR SPEECH!?!? :@ lol jk cya
Tint is sex.