name: Jackpaul12
belt: Brown belt
time played: Like..... 6 months
why i want to join: I need a clan and I liked this one

Here's some replays: \/
Attached Files
RUNNING MANEUBERS.rpl (60.7 KB, 2 views)
Aikidobigdojo online.rpl (41.0 KB, 2 views)
chest kick.rpl (27.4 KB, 3 views)
No brain, No pain.
Originally Posted by jackpaul12 View Post
name: Jackpaul12
belt: Brown belt
time played: Like..... 6 months
why i want to join: I need a clan and I liked this one

Here's some replays: \/

I like your strait forward application.
[Invade] This little fellow above (poppo) just applied for our clan without awaiting your acceptance and/or rejection, in my opinion he would not be worth it as this is a sign of impatience.
I see this also as an early sign of disloyalty.

He has also applied for [Element] within this time.
Just letting you know.

Last edited by crazylars; Jun 22, 2011 at 08:10 AM.
Name: migitetho
Belt: orange

Time Played: (approx) 1 month
Why I want to join [Sheep]:Well most clans require a black belt to join and i have skills in judo and akido so i can get myself around
About: i live in nsw and i play when i get home from school im in yr 8 and one of my mates is black belt cant remember what dan but he teaches me new moves and im 13 and thats me and I play for an hour a day
Sorry im green now
Last edited by migitetho; Jun 22, 2011 at 08:59 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Name: migitetho
Belt: Green

Time Played: (approx) 1 month
Why I want to join [Sheep]:Well most clans require a black belt to join and i have skills in judo and akido so i can get myself around
About: i live in nsw and i play when i get home from school im in yr 8 and one of my mates is black belt 3rd dan and he teaches me new moves and im 13 and thats me and I play for an hour a day
time played:11hours
why i want to join sheep: because it souned like a epic clan
about:i like to battle people