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Seeing as you fellas are going to have a jungle circlefap I think I'll add a mid rant about terrible junglers. Oh what's that? You're fighting the enemy jungler at his blue and refuse to retreat despite the fact that everyone on the map is now heading in your direction? That's fantastic. I guess I deserve to lane against a fed doublebuffed pusher for not magically saving you. You're not coming to my lane any more or giving me any buffs? That seems reasonable given the circumstances. Though to top it off I would really appreciate it if you feed my lane opponent just a few more times by being caught way out of position, then tell me that I lost lane because he has more kills than me. Thanks.
I'm not a fool, I'm also a more passive jungler anyways. At most I'll invade wraiths and smite steal the blue one, and only with 1 or more people helping me will I invade big camps. What bothers me is when I know the enemy jungle is at red, top is at top, bot is at bot, our mid is full and their mid is overextended, and I gank mid, and our mid does jack shit. Same for any other lane ganks where I know the positions.
Stupid thing was I continued to gank that lane, and she still didn't do jack shit during the ganks. I ganked top, at least he was paying attention. It was a pity their jungler came from the lane in anticipation, but it was the first time their jungler reacted to my gank, and the first time my lane reacted to my gank in that entire game. However, because of mid being incompetent, mid loses the lane, their mid starts roaming into my jungle with his jungle and I get counter-jungled to shit, receive no help, mia, or even a ward from mid, then get bitched at for getting less wards and oracles than the enemy jungle. Bot needed no ganks, cause they were stomping the blitz vayne. Top did well considering he was camped almost all game while against a Darius. Mid was just a festering pile of shit.
I have no problem with shit mids, shit tops, shit bots, and shit jungles. But if you're the only one doing poorly, and because of that you make it impossible for another position to succeed, blame yourself, not the position. You lose mid, and enemy mid starts to help their jungle? Then it's mid's fault for your jungle not keeping up with the enemy jungle, not the jungle's fault. So stop bitching about how I'm not doing as well as the enemy jungle and pick up your shit. <.<