View Poll Results: hwo is vexon to you?
vexon is awsome
7 Votes / 87.50%
vexon is cool
2 Votes / 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll
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segestions for a new game
i want to start a new game likw one word story but something different if any one has any ideas post here so we can get our activity up
RAM Member
Actually, this clan is getting inactive due to its members.

Vexon459: summer holiday half way around the globe
IRyzQ-80 (blueaero): sick, been 1 week in hospital
Barreta: no explanations, though he's still active out of clan board.
not dead
What me?
No, I was the only one active before I left this clan. That's the reason why I left.
not dead