Cmon guys! Keep posting!! If we want to be official then we have to keep posting! AND WE HAVE TO KEEP USING THE IRC! EVEN IF NO ONE ELSE IS THERE! And please! Go back through THE WHOLE THREAD and DELETE ALL USELESS POSTS! Or do you want to be unofficial forever? Do you? DO YOU?
I'm a nobody, and nobody's perfect. I am the definition of perfection.
Youre best mods:Judo,Wushu,Aikido
Any other skills( besides ingame):Videos
Reason why we should take you in the clan: This is a nice clan
Post 2 replays
Oohhh! I say yes!! If you're good at videos, maybe you can make us a clan vid!! Also you have an acceptable belt, and we really need active members. So yeah, I say yes.
I'm a nobody, and nobody's perfect. I am the definition of perfection.
psy i have been on the IRC for over 4 hours and no one came except Prime and nova came for 15 minutes and left
And now i entered the IRC , no one there , i'll be there now , just PING ME coz im playing
And by the way guys , can u judge on this picture