I might buy 150k-200k from you soon, just giving another heads up, But i will be buying it on my account Megadoomer because I will get it back tomorrow.
Alright coolio. Ill send the money now i guess. $20 for 200k

EDIT: Money sent, And why did i even say coolio? I feel so embarrased.
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jan 14, 2009 at 12:17 AM.
Date the ban will be lifted: 01-14-2009, 03:00 AM
Err.. strange, but it's already 3 AM prolly it's in not my time zone. Will send later, don't worry.
Originally Posted by HectorBank View Post
Date the ban will be lifted: 01-14-2009, 03:00 AM
Err.. strange, but it's already 3 AM prolly it's in not my time zone. Will send later, don't worry.

those are some good prices Hector! but i think you should add some new promos
and also
you have to w8t like 20min before your unbanned, its not automatic, i think someone does it
I think its GMT time so it could be a little later or earlier for you.

EDIT: Your unbanned. Tc pl0x. :P
Last edited by Megadoomer; Jan 14, 2009 at 02:45 AM.