>mfw Toon says hes gotten so much better, and he's amazing now
>mfw we tell Toon he isn't good still.
>mfw Toon calls us all dickwads, fuckers and faggots for telling the truth
Chuck with positive score.
Chuck who carried the game.
Damn, that champion must be broken as fuck.
because you all talk down to me before I say anything rude. if you all would stop talking down to me I wouldn't have bad reactions to your starting shit.
Since I'm feeling sleep deprived I'd like to offer you guys a chance at winning something worth 975 rp or less just guess a number and whichever number I like the most will get something, 1 number per person.
I'll decide on xmas eve who wins.
If you are good at the game then prove it by getting a good elo. I've seen so many stories of people carrying their way out of 800 elo and getting to 1600+.
Why not prove you're at least above average and get 1300. I mean it's possible to build any champion any way you want to do well with it.
I'm not saying elo = skill, I'm saying if you're good at the game you can raise your elo.