Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
This is the Shock from Extreme, right, that fag which reminds me of Electric for some reason ;3?

Yeah, that's him.
I see, Kammy.
Originally Posted by Vendoor View Post
Hmm.. Well lol. Im in school, math is fun

I disagree, It's no fun at all x.x
Math's the only thing I have trouble with.

Also, What's your opinion(S) On the Genre "Pop". Feel free to throw me some suggestions if you think you know some decent songs, I need to write an English Essay about it, as well as Opinion writing.
Heheheh I Know azure xD, never gave me free stuff... but he is fun to talk to, I usd to always find him in the morning in the BD tourneys
[Extreme]--> We are here (Cool Place)------------------------------------------u are all the way over There--->(Uncool) You
Hahaha, thanks. I'm poor ;~; sorry.
And yeah, agree with Vendoor, Math is actually fun if you can understand it ;)
Hmm, I'm liking your new Avvy :3
Who made it?;o?
Anywaysss, I lost any interest I had in maths back in the 9th Year/Grade. Or was it 10? Idk. So No fun for me, but yeah, I guess I agree it'd might be fun if you can make heads and bottoms out of all of it.
I am myself on 9th grade / year in school. Math is really fun if you understand it.

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by clipsall View Post
Hmm, I'm liking your new Avvy :3
Who made it?;o?
Anywaysss, I lost any interest I had in maths back in the 9th Year/Grade. Or was it 10? Idk. So No fun for me, but yeah, I guess I agree it'd might be fun if you can make heads and bottoms out of all of it.

I made it. And vendoor, I've said that before you ;o