Originally Posted by
The stats and the regen that linkens gives you are great. plus its really useful against teams with silences and single target stuns. If you're free farming i think its much better than drums + bkb.
drums gives +9 to all.
linkens gives +15 to all.
3300 more gold for 6 extra stats is hardly a good idea.
especially when the perseverance could be used on the battlefury instead.
Originally Posted by
Also, im pretty sure you're wrong here. The first 10 calibration matches take your normal mmr as a starting point. You get mmr for every normal match you play and its based on stuff like hero damage, tower damage, gpm, xpm, stun duration, slow duration etc.
Thats why you see people with huge difference in their mmr even with the same win/loss in their calibration matches.
I dont have any direct source but there are lots of mmr experience examples in playdota.com you can check out.
i dont know how they work it out, but that wasnt the point, the point was that MMR isnt always accurate.
ive played with tinerr befor, and he's not a sub 2.9k mmr player.
as for your description, its still the only point where any real calibration is done. every ranked game i played in gave +/- 23-26 points for wins/losses, regardless of mine or my teams performance.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 14, 2014 at 01:26 PM.