Age: 23
Belt (if you've yet to reach black belt, you will have to really impress us): 2nd Dan.
How happy are you with your level of skill in the game? : I'm pretty happy with it.
Why do you want to join us and not another clan?(explain as best as you possibly can): I wan't to join this clan better then any other clan because its a pretty good clan.
Are you recommended by one of our members ? (if so,by who ?) : I have not well i have but i can't remember, it was by someone.
Have you read our rules, and do you agree to follow them if accepted ? Yes I have read and accepted the rules..
Your Favorite Official Mod to play: well i'm really like aikido and erthtk
Things you are skilled at: (Cannot include Toribash skills like replay making. Can include anything else in which you're better than average):
Examples of that skill(if applicable, at least 2 examples would be nice): well i play alot of TK and Erthtk so I would say i'm pro at TK and over average by 50%, so im pretty good.
Previous Clans(if any): Um, Legion and Fight Club
Favorite Forum(if any): My favorite forum is really every forum i like very forum no matter what they are.
Toribash organizations affiliated with(if any): Um, no i have not been in any organizations really.
Do you have an alternate account, and if so, what is it ?( if you're in a clan with another account, we can't let you in our clan with any account) : Um, i have a green belt account named NutSup I don't know why i called it that but I just did. And i have no clans on it.
Country/Location: I live in Canada in the province of Alberta in the city of Lethbridge.
Level of forum activity(Important!): I would say i'm pretty active on the forums even though i am only i think 68 post i believe.
Number of Infractions(if any): Well I have had any recent infractions i had one a year ago but i can't remember what it was though.
Thank You for all your time and co-operation!