It's already soaked :O

I hate my new Science teachers :*( besides one of them. I preferred my old science teacher. I learnt so much there.

What subjects do you guys hate?
Pfft, I hate my English class.

He voice is so monotone that it makes me want to sleep every time he gives a lecture.
I like [Soak].

I really used to hate IT in school, because you always had to spend forever making proof that the work you were submitting was yours. Bored me to death.
Originally Posted by Space View Post
Making proof? Why didn't you such site your sources?

We'd be given a project to, for example make a database. But then it wasn't enough to actually make it, you had to have screenshots of every stage of you making it, to prove it was yours. Did my head in.
That's stupid! For us we didn't need to provide proof but if it wasn't ours we say where we got it from.