Yeah, through my 6 games, muur pretty much summed it up. Jungle and support is almsot never taken. I had to support one game because I was last pick, and another I was last pick, but this guy on my team and I locked each other's champs and switched. Just communicate, and you'll get what you want. I usually jungled, and I have noticed that enemy junglers seem to go in a pattern, and are super predictable where they are ganking.
When I played support, I played Janna, and their adc was so overwhelmed. I would knock them up, our kog would ult, and then i'd slow, and he'd use his steroid and kill them.
Another huge thing to do is duo que. I met my duo que partner in a game where I played mao jungle. At the end of the game, I had 4,000 health, and 235 armor. Enemies focused me and he just kicked their ass as AD talon mid.
Last edited by sham; Dec 25, 2012 at 03:59 PM.