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So I have three top champs in mind, riven, jayce and kha'zix, which one do you guys think I should buy?
Kha'zix, he is so much fun.
Max W first. Get 6 and just get free harass upon your opponent w/ W + Passive, chunks them for so much damage. Easy kills after landing 2-5 W's under enemy turret. After getting top tower just go roam, only bother going back top if you aren't getting kills else where. Try and stay top to atleast 11 to get OP Jump however.
Build: Flask and 7 pots or 1 ward and 5 pots start, depending on how easy the jungler can gank you/if you need more sustain. Rush brut into early BC while getting the boots that give you the most survivability in lane, then work for a BT, ultimate Assassin combo. After those 2 items, get a GA and start penetration people with a LW. Round off build with either a MaW, FM or Hydra.