Preferred Mods: Aikido/Aikidobigdojo, wushu and taekkyon
Previous Clans:Impact and RAGE
Infraction Points/Bans (if any):none
Talents(Tb related):well, I can make glossy buttons, and banners (as show below) and great aikido talents.
What can you bring to 42?:I am a honerable student with his compation to toribash, I have great skill in aikido and a interesting move in wuhsu which i'll be delighted to show. I am usually active IF i have a clan, I will usually be online when you are on.
Here is some of my art...(take note that one of these buttons were made for urban unit but they never used it so I can rearage the name.)
Age:12 almost 13
Belt:black but i win of 10 dan example(fett he is my friend)
Preferred Mods:akido
Referrals (if any):no one(i think)
Previous Clans:RN and i almost enter in DECAP
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): uselless post i fort of replays threads is only 2 pre week XD
Talents(Tb related):i make my head but i s not too coll XD
What you will bring to 42:i look for official clan and fett make my mind to join this clan
Why you want to join 42:i luve numbers XP
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below) here we go 5 of my best rpl XP me are the radioactive guy XD
Age:12 almost 13
Belt:black but i win of 10 dan example(fett he is my friend)
Preferred Mods:akido
Referrals (if any):no one(i think)
Previous Clans:RN and i almost enter in DECAP
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): uselless post i fort of replays threads is only 2 pre week XD
Talents(Tb related):i make my head but i s not too coll XD
What you will bring to 42:i look for official clan and fett make my mind to join this clan
Why you want to join 42:i luve numbers XP
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below) here we go 5 of my best rpl XP me are the radioactive guy XD
Age:12 almost 13
Belt:black but i win of 10 dan example(fett he is my friend)
Preferred Mods:akido
Referrals (if any):no one(i think)
Previous Clans:RN and i almost enter in DECAP
Infraction Points/Bans (if any): uselless post i fort of replays threads is only 2 pre week XD
Talents(Tb related):i make my head but i s not too coll XD
What you will bring to 42:i look for official clan and fett make my mind to join this clan
Why you want to join 42:i luve numbers XP
You will need to include 3-5 replays. (SP preferred, Examples below) here we go 5 of my best rpl XP me are the radioactive guy XD