I did it, I finally broke the steak...I couldn't believe it went for so long, I tried so many champions..but finally! I did it. I WON A FUCKING GAME!
I was trying out bruiser Kassadin. It was so much fun.
Some quick notes about Rumble
- His ultimate, for some reason, was so alien to me to use on smart cast. I couldn't use it, it lost me a kill and I died in process because I couldn't use it. All you have to do is press R, aim and then let go.
- Rumble does a fuck ton damage. I was 0/5 out of lane yet my damage was crazy enough to net me 5 kills before I died again. I then kept being a martyr getting kills.
- I maxed E second without really thinking, I was going to put another point into W after getting chunked from a gank but Pantheon and Vi backed off top and I was able to max Q with no problems. I believe most Rumble players max out W second for the crazy shields due to E's chance to miss.
Masteries: 9/21/0
Runes: Mpen Reds, AP Quints, Flat Armour Yellows and Ap/lvl blues
My build for that game went something like this:
Cloth + x5 pots start: I thought it was going to be Panth or Vi top, then I saw Vi was jungling. It didn't matter because Panth went top.
First Back: Tabi + Amp Tome
Then after dying alot due to Pantheon snowballing I bought Revolver and Chain vest. It was fucking bullshit, I ult just before I die against a tower diving pantheon, my ults lands and damages him and he starts dancing around when singed shows up he flings him and Panth walks out of lane through my ult. He dies and I didn't get an assist. Sucked major D because he gave Singed 500g for dying.
After the chain vest, I build haunting guise then worked my way for a Rylais, getting a Negatron cloak when it was completed. Liandry's Torment was then finished. My plans for the rest of the game were to get a Abysall next then an hourglass and WotA. Tabi's would eventually be replaced with Mercs or Sorcs.
Final Build: Mercs/Sorcs, Ryalis, WotA, Hourglass, Liandry's Torment, Abysall Scepter.
Its quite possible to change out hourglass with deathcap for more damage, but Liandry's make Dcap-less builds possible. The mindset around this build is to be a teamfight beast. Ult > run at them > Q, if they start hitting you, pop hourglass and let your DoT's do the rest.
Last edited by j4nd0; Jan 5, 2013 at 03:20 PM.