like you can see my name is Nuramon...
I am a beginner artist and i'll get better.
I am fighting relaxed as most as i can (except stupid mods)
I postet here for a while but i totally changed my mind... i swear.
I am not a TA or something like that (i wish i would be one).
My head now: (not the best but i am working on a better one)

And here some replays:
of course mad.rpl
%Nura yes we can!!!.rpl
%Nura speed killer.rpl
killer arm.rpl

PS: I got clanless a while before.^
Hello guys!

This clan has been one of the ones that stood out (In a good way) for quite some time.

Well on the count that I'm only a blue belt. Awesome stuff is hard to come by. But just for you guys I did a madman! Plus the one titled LOL hopefully makes you laugh. Enjoy!


guys, both, ur replays were pretty basic, with lots of grabs, not really fluid, and no wushues.
Ok guys...This was the best I could do.

It is a relaxed split kick. It's very basic I know...

But I want in this clan to learn the ways of relaxation! I wan't to be tought!
Attached Files
Half-Wushu.rpl (13.8 KB, 10 views)
Good call sahee, now no one has any excuse for shitty applications.


                   4MMML                  .     
                   MMMMM.                xf     
   .              "MMMMM               .MM-     
    Mh..          +MMMMMM            .MMMM      
    .MMM.         .MMMMML.          MMMMMh      
     )MMMh.        MMMMMM         MMMMMMM       
      3MMMMx.     'kickass      xnMMMMMM"       
      '*MMAMM      MMMMMM.     nMMMMMMP"        
        *MMSMMx    "MMMMM\    .MMMMMMM=         
         *MMSMMh   "MMMMM"   JMMMMMMP           
           MMMMMM   3MMMM.  dMMMMMM            .
            MMMMMM  "MMMM  .MMMMM(        .nnMP"
=..          *MMMMx  MMM"  dMMMM"    .nnMMMMM*  
  "MMn...     'MMMMr 'MM   MMM"   .nMMMMMMM*"   
   "4MMMMnn..   *MMM  MM  MMP"  .dM655MMM""     
     ^MMMMMMMMx.  *ML "M .M*  .MMMM35**"        
        *PMMMMMMhn. *x > M  .MMMM**""           
           ""**MMMMhx/.h/ .=*"                  
                  nP"     "*MMnx                                   

Cause I can ;P
Last edited by Sahee; Dec 20, 2008 at 07:57 PM.
[RelaxAll]Nikelaos:Kickass is chained to this clan with indestructible shackles, his balls are also superglued to the chair.

Soo I wanna join RelaxAll, obviously :P
My favorite mods are CraneKungFu, Kickboxing, Ninjutsu, Tako, and Wushu.
Joined the game like a month-ish ago and couldn't stop playing it since
I play both Relaxed and hold. Depending on the circumstance (Wushu starter relax, Fighting mostly holding and chasing relaxed) I'm nice I guess, easy going. but I may eat you're soul if you piss me off. I can be an asshole just like anyone else. So yeah. Enjoy the replays >.> and I hate single player so sorry about the bad replays >.>, I'm a multiplayer-player

EDIT: Last replay didn't work.
Attached Files
Wushu Push Kick..rpl (24.8 KB, 9 views)
Zo Awesome.rpl (56.9 KB, 8 views)
ur arm mein.rpl (33.0 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by DarkHuntsBank; Dec 20, 2008 at 07:51 PM.
Hey pwnzor. Your answer is on page, post 967. Sorry for all the fancy rejecting skillz, but, you see, I'm getting bored here...

For more lazy people: quick link
deady: "Sahee (...) you bitter Pollock (...)"